2022 Food & Related Bills
Note: These are the Bills we are tracking in the 2nd Session of Maine's 130th Legislature.
We also track bills related to climate, economy, environment
and equity as these impact our food system.
Tips for Exploring these Bills
All underlined items are links to Bill Text, Committees and Committee YouTube sites.
In most cases, Committees are shown with abbreviated Acronyms:
ACF=Agriculture, Conservation, Forestry
AFA = Appropriations & Financial Affairs
EDU = Education & Cultural Affairs
EUT = Energy, Utilities and Technology
ENR =Environment & Natural Resources
HHS = Health and Human Services
IFW = Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
IDEA = Innovation, Development, Economic Advancement and Business
JUD = Judiciary
LBHS = Labor and Housing
MAR =Marine Resources
LD 174 An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Ending Hunger by 2030 Advisory Group sponsored by Rep. Bill Pluecker, ACF Committee. Hearing 11am Jan 18th. ACF YouTube
LD 262 An Act To Combat Hunger by Creating a Tax Credit of 10 Percent of Wholesale Market Prices up to $5,000 Annually for Businesses Engaged in Food Production for Donations of Food to Tax-exempt Organizations sponsored by Rep. Tiffany Roberts, TAX Committee
LD 1299 An Act To Permit Emergency Funding for Food Banks When a State of Emergency is Declared Sponsored by Rep Paulhus, referred to AFC Committee. This bill authorizes the Governor to distribute up to $400,000 from the Maine Budget Stabilization Fund during a state of emergency to nonprofit entities, including food banks, food pantries and soup kitchens, that provide or distribute food to low-income, indigent or unemployed individuals or households without charge. ACF YouTube Carried over by Senate
LD 1693 An Act to Advance Health Equity, Improve the Well-being of All Maine People and Create a Health Trust, sponsored by Rep. Rachel Talbot Ross, HHS Committee.
LD 80 An Act To Provide Critical Communications for Family Farms, Businesses and Residences by Strategic Public Investment in High-speed Internet and Broadband Infrastructure sponsored by Rep. David McCrea, EUT Committee. This bill requires that 33% of sales and use tax revenue collected by the State Tax Assessor from marketplace facilitators, with respect to marketplace-facilitated sales, after required transfers to other funds be transferred to the ConnectMaine Authority to further deployment of high-speed Internet and broadband infrastructure to unserved and underserved areas of the State. EUT YouTube Carried Over by House
LD1475 An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue for Targeted Food Processing Infrastructure Sponsored by RepTalbot Ross, AFA Committee. AFA YouTube. Carried over by House, 7/19/21
LD 1565 An Act To Strengthen Maine's Agriculture, Food and Forest Economy Sponsored by Rep. Talbot Ross AFC Committee. ACF YouTube Carried over by Senate, 7/19/21
LD 1570 An Act To Protect Drinking Water for Maine Residents Sponsored by Rep. Gramlich, HHS Committee. HHS YouTube Carried over by Senate, 6/8/21
LD 736 An Act To Enhance the Ecological Reserve System sponsored by Rep Nicole Grohoski, referred to AFC Committee. This bill proposes to assess the status of the ecological reserve system and consider changes that reflect the importance of the ecological reserve system for supporting wildlife, sequestering and storing carbon, providing scenic and recreational value and serving as long-term ecological research sites. ACF YouTube
LD 983 An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue To Promote Land Conservation, Working Waterfronts, Water Access and Outdoor Recreation sponsored by Sen. Catherine Breen, referred to Appropriations and Financial Affairs Comm.
This bill does the following: AFA YouTube
Senate carried over to next session
LD 1429 An Act To Implement the Most Time-sensitive Recom-mendations of the Maine Climate Council, sponsored by Rep. Dunphy, ENR Committee. ENR YouTube Carried over by House
LD 1689 An Act To Ensure Equity in the Clean Energy Economy by Providing a Limited Tax Exemption for Certain Clean Energy Infrastructure Projects" Sponsored by Senator Chloe Maxmin referred to TAX Committee. TAX YouTube Carried over to next session by Senate, 7/19/21
LD 1708 An Act To Create the Pine Tree Power Company, a Nonprofit Utility, To Deliver Lower Rates, Reliability and Local Control for Maine Energy Independence Passed by both houses, vetoed, both chambers failed to override. Note: Citizen signature gathering for Referendum underway
LD 489 RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine To Establish a Right to a Healthy Environment, sponsored by Sen. Chloe Maxmin, referred to ENR Committee, Work Session led to a divided report. ENR YouTube Passed Senate, currently unfinished business in House.
LD 585 An Act To Restore to the Penobscot Nation and Passamaquoddy Tribe the Authority To Exercise Jurisdiction under the Federal Tribal Law and Order Act of 2010, sponsored by Rep. Rachel Talbot Ross, referred to the Judiciary Committee. JUD YouTube Carried over to next session by House, 7/19/21
LD 906 An Act to Provide Passamaquoddy Tribal Members Access to Clean Drinking Water sponsored by Rep. Rena Newell, Judiciary Committee JUD YouTube Carried over to next session by House 7/19/21
LD 1626 An Act Implementing the Recommendations of the Task Force on Changes to the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Implementing Act Sponsored by Rep. Talbot Ross referred to Judiciary Comm. JUD YouTube Carried over to next session by House 7/19/21
LD 1693 An Act To Advance Health Equity, Improve the Well-being of All Maine People and Create a Health Trust Sponsored by Rachel Talbot Ross, HHS Committee. HHS You Tube